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Ant. Anxiatus est

Psalmus 142.
Psalm 142.
142:1. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam : áuribus pércipe obsecratiónem meam in veritáte tua : * exáudi me in tua justítia. 1. Hear, O Lord, my prayer: give ear to my supplication in thy truth: * hear me in thy justice.
142:2. Et non intres in judícium cum servo tuo : * quia non justificábitur in conspéctu tuo omnis vivens. 2. And enter not into judgment with thy servant: * for in thy sight no man living shall be justified.
142:3. Quia persecútus est inimícus ánimam meam : * humiliávit in terra vitam meam. 3. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul: * he hath brought down my life to the earth.
142:4. Collocávit me in obscúris sicut mórtuos sǽculi : * et anxiátus est super me spíritus meus, in me turbátum est cor meum. 4. He hath made me to dwell in darkness as those that have been dead of old: * and my spirit is in anguish within me: my heart within me is troubled.
142:5. Memor fui diérum antiquórum, meditátus sum in ómnibus opéribus tuis : * in factis mánuum tuárum meditábar. 5. I remembered the days of old, I meditated on all thy works: * I meditated upon the works of thy hands.
142:6. Expándi manus meas ad te : * ánima mea sicut terra sine aqua tibi. 6. I stretched forth my hands to thee: * my soul is as earth without water unto thee.
142:7. Velóciter exáudi me, Dómine : * defécit spíritus meus. 7. Hear me speedily, O Lord: * my spirit hath fainted away.
142:8. Non avértas fáciem tuam a me : * et símilis ero descendéntibus in lacum. 8. Turn not away thy face from me, * lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.
142:9. Audítam fac mihi mane misericórdiam tuam : * quia in te sperávi. 9. Cause me to hear thy mercy in the morning; * for in thee have I hoped.
142:10. Notam fac mihi viam, in qua ámbulem : * quia ad te levávi ánimam meam. 10. Make the way known to me, wherein I should walk: * for I have lifted up my soul to thee.
142:11. Éripe me de inimícis meis, Dómine, ad te confúgi : * doce me fácere voluntátem tuam, quia Deus meus es tu. 11. Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord, to thee have I fled: * teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God.
142:12. Spíritus tuus bonus dedúcet me in terram rectam : * propter nomen tuum, Dómine, vivificábis me, in æquitáte tua. 12. Thy good spirit shall lead me into the right land: * for thy name's sake, O Lord, thou wilt quicken me in thy justice.
142:12. Edúces de tribulatióne ánimam meam : * et in misericórdia tua dispérdes inimícos meos. 12. Thou wilt bring my soul out of trouble: * and in thy mercy thou wilt destroy my enemies.
142:12. Et perdes omnes, qui tríbulant ánimam meam : * quóniam ego servus tuus sum. 12. And thou wilt cut off all them that afflict my soul: * for I am thy servant.

Ant. Anxiatus est